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The Leonardo Effect is an interdisciplinary teaching methodology based upon the “synchronised integration”
of disciplines and incorporation of skills

It stimulates autonomous learning, critically enabling children to make connections across the learning landscape.
Students rise to the learning challenges and are proven to surpass ceilings set by traditional approaches.
The Leonardo Effect pedagogy is built upon a strong foundation of academic research at both primary and post-primary level. Our research has been subjected to extensive independently validated evaluation. For instance, a NESTA commissioned independent evaluation report described how:
"Children who had been disengaged and not at all motivated have ‘come alive’, and were now ‘fanatical about’ the project work and doing so much more than anyone had expected or thought they were capable of. They were offering to talk and explain and share ideas; carrying out additional activities, tasks and research of their own volition."

The Leonardo Effect’s ‘synchronised integration‘ of disciplines re-connects learning for hard to reach children, challenges more able learners, whilst in parallel maintaining curriculum compliance.

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The Leonardo Effect Book

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"As teachers we have been ground down by the need for accountability, to 'deliver' the scheme of work, to implement the latest Education Minister's big idea, to show improvement from last year's baseline position; not to mention to act as the main player in sorting out society's woes, and all before 3.00pm!

However, don't despair, interdisciplinary learning as described in The Leonardo Effect, may be the ray of hope shining through a clouded educational horizon. It involves teachers ignoring traditional subject boundaries, giving children opportunities to indulge their imaginations and to learn independently or collaboratively with their peers. The methodology requires the removal of the traditional divisions between science and art teaching, with pupils encouraged to think creatively and gradually construct a 'big picture' of their learning. The teacher acts less as an expert provider of knowledge and more as a wise adviser on the sidelines. The children take a greater responsibility for their learning and develop a multitude of life-enhancing skills along the way."

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